Monday, October 1, 2012

Sam' writing


Three Successful ways of Dieting

Many people want to get good body. As soon as global economy was developed very much almost everyone is interested in well-being. But most fail to diet, because it is very hard to accomplish their goal. Even though they achieved their goal, yo-yo diet used to come to them. So let me introduce successful ways of dieting.

At first, you should eat like a bird. It is most important to success your goal because if you eat as usual, you never loose your weight. Make a habit that eat like a bird. You don't need to eat very small. Just cut your meals in half.

Second, you should exercise 3 or 4 times a week. It is very effective to remove fat. And it is important to do constantly and regularly. And it is effective to overcome yo-yo diet. It can make you healthy as well as dieting.

Third, you should live a well-regulated life. It seems sound easy to practice, but it is very hard to practice. Waking up at time you fixed, sleeping at time you fixed, and eating at time you fixed are very important.

Practicing is very important than just knowing these facts. Never think success your goal very short time. It is like a marathon. You have to endure these situations. These ways make you healthier as well as dieting. Not only people who lose their weight but people who want to get their health need these days.

1 comment:

  1. Sam - add some supporting details and give a clear thesis with your main points in the intro and conclusion.

    Very good organization and content. What does 'eat like a bird' mean?
