Thursday, October 18, 2012

The King of Enlighten (Justin,blog2)

The King of Enlighten
The king Sejong is very enlightened monarch. He was born in the 1397 year, and he had gaining emblem of king in the 1418 year. Then he have more ambitious that creating ours alphabet. So, he were establish "JungEumChung" for creating of Korean alphabet "Hangul" for the nations.

 And he had interested in astronomy, Therefore he constructed to an astronomical observatory in 1438year. Also he created astronomical watch, and then he have a more interest in the watch. So, he gathered very capable scientists. 

Finally he created Sun Watch and Water Watch. He was very enlighten and intelligence person. So, many Korean have a mind of respect to him, also he printed in ours 10000Won paper money. 

Therefore I think The hero of Korea is King "Sejong".       

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