Monday, October 29, 2012

My Routine on Weekend(Peter,Blog3)

My Routine on Weekend(Peter,Blog3)


Every weekend I usually wake up at 12:00 AM. Because I usually play computer game or play basketball at dawn. After getting up I always brush my teeth and wash my face.After washing I usually eat lunch at 1:00PM. I usually go to park to play basketball when I didn’t play basketball on Friday. I usually play basketball about 2~3 hours. Especially, I play basketball very often, because winter has coming. When winter has come, I can’t play basketball very much so I usually play basketball until winter has coming. After playing basketball I usually take a shower at 5:00PM. After take a shower I usually eat dinner with my family at 6:00PM. After dinner I usually do my homework until I go to bed. I usually go to bed at 12:00PM. On Sunday, I always go to church and have worship. After worship, I usually teach children about Bible history. Almost children don’t know exactly about Bible history, so I teach Bible history and tell a story about Bible. But, It’s very hard to teach children because, sometimes children can’t concentrate always. After teaching, I eat lunch at 1:00P.M. I usually go back to home and take a rest. After rest, I usually eat dinner with my family at 6:00PM. After dinner, I usually do my homework when I didn’t do on Saturday. After homework I wash my face and go to bed at 12:00PM.

1 comment:

  1. Peter make sure you check your times (I think you mean 12 PM, and 'Dawn' is when the sun rises in the morning).
    Also, you have some unrelated sentences - remember everything is about your routine. Finally, try to add some sensory details (sight, sound, smell, etc).
    Good work.
