Sunday, October 28, 2012

Dean's Weekday Routine (Dean, Blog3)


                                              Dean's Weekday Rountine

     Nowadays, My daily routine is very regular. I always wake up 6:00 A.M. After wake up, I take a shower while listening to the music. After take a shower, I eat breakfast and put on clothes. All ready done to go university, I leave my home at 7:00 A.M and take a subway to go to university. Then I arrive at the university at 8:30 A.M. In the morning, Subway is too crowded so I go to school 30 minutes early. At 9:00 A.M. - 12:00P.M, I take a classes. After morning classes, I eat lunch in the cafeteria. After eating lunch, I take a afternoon classes. Afternoon classes finish at 6:00 A.M. I usually play with my university friends by drinking alcohol or eating food. Hanging out with friends, I go to home. After come home, I do my homework or use computer. At 12:00A.M, I go to the bed.


  1. Hello Dean I will comment about your essay
    Positive: I think your essay's passage of time is natural so I can understand your weekday routine. And also your way to school and life in school also easy to understand
    Negative: I think you have more work to do on each day I think you add more content on your essay

  2. Dean - make sure every CLAUSE has a SUBJECT. You are missing the word "I" many times. Maybe try to add some more sensory details also (sight, smell, sound, etc).
