Monday, October 29, 2012

Hannah's Daily Routine (Hannah, Blog 3)

Hannah's Daily Routine
       I get up at 7 A.M usually because I have to go to school. I take a shower after I feed to my puppy. I get dressed and eat breakfast. I leave home an hour and a half early before the class. I take the subway when I go to school. I meet my friends at the transfer station and we arrives at school by bus. When I'm at school, I usually spend most of the time in the class. I learn about English and Russian. I eat lunch with my class friends and go home together. In the evening, I take the rest after arriving at home. Talking with my family, I prepare the dinner. After eating dinner, I do my assignments. The day is over when I finish my assignments. Sometimes, when I have no assignments, I surf the Internet or go to bed early.


  1. Hi Hannah

    I read your essay. This article shows your daily routine well.
    My daily routine also Similar to you.

    However, I think this article have some mistakes.

    First, we arrives → we arrive
    Because, this sentence's subject is we. We is plural subject. So, the verb should be plural. Therefore, I think that 'we arrive' is correct expression.

    Second, I learn about English and Russian → I learn English and Russian.
    Because, learn is need an object. So after learn you use object word. Therefore, I think that 'I learn English and Russian' is right expression.

    I hope this comment helpful to you.

  2. Hannah - some of your sentences combine two ideas that should be separated. Make sure you use enough chronology (after, before, during, etc.) Also double check articles. Finally, try to add some sensory details (sight, sound, smell, etc)

    Good work.
