Sunday, October 28, 2012

Tyler's new routine(Tyler,blog3)



Tyler's New Routine

     I think my life is not so bad. After I wake up, I took a shower and prepare to go university. But it needs more productive routines. So I deeply think about how I can improve my life. First, I want to wake up early. Every day I woke up when one and half hour before class starts. After I take a shower, it’s already one hour left. It’s really tough morning. I need a change. If I can wake up early, I can read newspaper or short novel. Second, I want to study for major in few minutes every day. In few days after my major class, I forget what I learn in class. I don’t have enough time to study. It’s a big problem when midterm or final exam is comes. It can spoil my exam. Actually I got C in Russian major when last semester was over. I’m really shame for that. Third, I want to exercise in the nearby park. I am too skinny. Since middle school, my weight is not over 60kg. When I had a medical check, doctor said I’m too low weight. It’s not a problem about how many I eat. I think it’s an exercise insufficiency. During the class, I barely move. I want to have good shaped body. So I decide to ride bicycle for three days in week.


  1. Hi, Tyler!
    I read your writing. Your writing has good contents. I think your determinations are meaningful. I cheer you for acheiving your goal.

    I want to tell some problems in your writing. First, It is in 'I forget what I learn'. I think 'what I learned' is correct. Because the fact that we learned is the past.
    Second, 'doctor said I'm too low weight' should be change to 'doctor said I'm too light'. Because you are not a weight. The word 'light' is proper.
    Third, 'It's not a problem about how many I eat' is wrong. We can't count the amount that we eat. I think using 'much' is right.
    If you correct those three things, It will be better. Have a nice day, Tyler!

  2. Tyler make sure you check verb tense very carefully. If you are writing about your current routine - make sure it is present tense. Also you have some vocabulary problems. Hannah has good advice! Overall - not bad!
