Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Precautions of Crime (Sook, Blog2)


Precautions of Crime


                  In these days, crime rate is increasing in succession. It becomes a one of the most significant problem to solve for us. We have to think about the precaution for the priority to keep ourselves from this problem. The person who protects us any time certainly is eventually only ourselves. For this reason, we need to know that how can we protect ourselves.
                  At first, we should not hang around late at night. It is a really dangerous behavior. As the analyst who studies about the ‘Crime Rate’ from 2001 to 2012, most of the crime happened from 11PM to 2AM. This study’s result says it has a high probability to leave home at that time. We have to know this fact and to keep that in mind so trying not to go outside late as much as possible.
                  Second, we have to lock the door and window thoroughly. This precaution is the most basic thing to keep us. We have learned about this way since we had learned at the kindergarten. However, most people overlook this very easily. I have an anecdote about this. When I was 12, my friend who lived in my next door forgot to lock the front door and went to the school. After all of her family members back to their home, there was nobody in house but the house was fallen into utter confusion. That is because a thief broke into their house. It was just as well that no one was in there that time, so no one gets hurts. Someone may think it is not very important but I think it is the most important thing for keeping us from danger.
                  Last, we need to bring the spray for self-protection. As the crime rate is increasing recently, people make more self-defense gadgets and also use it more frequently. In fact, I do not really know about practical effects about these things. However, all of my friends who have used this recommend this for me continuously. They said when they hold this in their hands and walk alone at night, they feel more safely. Anybody may have the time that unavoidably being alone late at night. That time it will be efficiently be used for them.
                  All of us have the right to live safely. However, if the life environment does not allow us for enjoying this right, we have to protect for ourselves. If we try a lot harder to show concern, our life will be safe enough. It made us to live more pleasantly and more healthily.

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