Monday, October 29, 2012

My daily (Lauren, blog3)

My daily routine

        My daily routine is centered around the school schedule. In a week except Wednesday, I wake up at 10 a.m. Wednesday I have a class at 9 a.m. so I have to wake up at 7 a.m. After I awake from my sleep I eat some snack to alleviate my hunger for a space. I wear clothes and make up listening the music. I pack my assignments and book in a bag. I walk to the subway station Nowon. I take the subway for Sadang or Oido. Between eight and ten o'clock, there are many people in subway because that time was the office-going hour. I stops at Gireum station and transfer to school bus. First class of Monday is Basic French. After this class I eat lunch and dessert in cafe with my friends approximately an hour's. In three p.m. I take the French Writing class. I like French class so I do my best. After school I go to home by bus and subway. In Tuesday and Thursday I go to my part time job by nine o'clock. Rest of the day I do my assignments and web surfing by computer. When I finished my homework I start reading a book. Roughly I read 30 pages on everyday. I do my exercise using smart phone fitness applications. I go to bed at about 12 o'clock. I have a simple and busy day. 


  1. Hi Lauren!
    I read your routine well.
    You and I are almost same routine that's because we have a same major.
    I think that you express your routine chronological. but you have some mistakes.
    When you write a 'day', you must write 'on'.
    For example, 2nd sentence,
    "Wednesday I have a class at 9 a.m."
    "On Wednesday I have a class at 9 a.m."
    10th sentence,
    "In Tuesday and Thursday"->"On Tuesday and Thursday"

    And, 2nd sentence, you have to use capatal letter.
    "so I have to wake up .."->"So I have to wake up.."

    Last, I think that if you use a comma, this essay would be better.
    3rd sentence,
    "After I awake from my sleep I eat some.."
    "After I awake from my sleep, I eat soem.."
    That's all.

    I'm gald to know your daily routine. :)~~

  2. Good job Lauren. A few things - double check your articles - you did well but you're still missing a couple. Also you missed a couple prepositions, conjunctions, and verb tenses - not many - but see if you can find those.

    Henny - good effort:) Henny's third comment is correct. Her first comment is optional, and her second comment is incorrect. Good luck :)
