Tuesday, October 9, 2012

3 Ways of Enjoying Campus Life

3 Ways of Enjoying Campus Life
        Every university students want to enjoy their campus life but It is not easy to them. Many people don’t know what to do. I experienced campus life almost 1 year. So I will subscribe some advice that 3 ways of enjoying campus life.  
The first way is that we have to specific aim and plan. Every freshman want to do many things but that is very vaguely things. If they really want to do, they have to make a plan to do in stages and spend time as planned. It can help you achieve something you want.
The second way is spending time with your classmates or university people. This is very simple. If you play or study, you just spend with your classmates and join the club or make the club. It can be help you more effective and fun. It’s important when they enter the university because first time is very good to become intimate.
The third way is keeping in touch with fast friends. If you feel unhappy, your fast friends can help you feel better. Second way’s topic is not just spend only university classmates. If you want to have a good time in campus, you need to follow 3 ways at the same time.

1 comment:

  1. I like your writing style. And your essay is fun.
    But in Paragraph 2
    "The first way is that we have to specific aim and plan"
    -> It sounds little confusing.
    I think you need to check this sentence one more time.
