Monday, October 29, 2012

My daily routine(Una,Blog3)

My daily routine


     I'd like to introduce my daily life. I usually wake up at 8 A.M. in the morning because it takes about an hour to go to the university. After i wake up, i take a short shower and wash my face, brush my teeth, eat breakfast and ready to go to school. Then I wear my clothes and put on make up. At 9 o'clock, I leave home and go to school by bus and subway. It takes about 1 hours to get to school. In general, I have lessons from 10 A.M to 3 P.M. In the afternoon, I have lunch with my friends in students' dining hall. And sometimes, I have a chat with friends. When I get back home, do homework and take a rest.
And in the evening, I have dinner with my family. Then I play with my the youngest brother. He is 7 years old. And I watched TV and finish my day. After I go to bed at 12 o'clock . 


  1. Hi Una~! I'm Sophie. I read your daily routine interestingly.
    I could understand how you have your daily life.

    Your essay is good, but I want to help you to wrtie more correctly.

    In your essay, there are a little mistakes in the sentences.

    First, there is a mistake in your second sentence. I think a comma needs between morning and because.

    Second, there is capital mistake in your 3rd sentence. (ex.i→I)

    And you'd better to rewrite your use of 'and' in your 3rd sentence.

    Third, in your 10th sentence, subject is missed. (ex. When I get back home, I do homework and~)

    Last, in your last sentence there is tense mistake. (ex. watched→watch)

  2. Una - good job. Sophie has some good comments for you:
    Her first comment is wrong, second is correct, 'and' in 3rd sentence is ok, and her last two comments are correct.

    Also, make sure you have 1 paragraph instead of 2; and never start a sentence with 'and.'
