Monday, October 29, 2012

Jisoo's daily routine ( Jisoo, Blog3)

Jisoo's daily routine

2012108035 Jisoo

 Let me tell you about my daily routine.
 Usually I wake up at 5:30A.M. Because I have a first class on Tuesday, Wednesday
 and Tursday. But sometimes, I wake up at 9:00A.M. And I wash my face, hair and
 brush my teeth. After washing, I get dressed and make up. I wear light makeup
 that looks natural. Then I take the bus to school. In the bus, I eat breakfast. I
 enjoy eating sweet potatoes and rice cake. Eceryday I get to school before
 8:30A.M. After I get to school, I prepare for class. Then I take the class.
 I have a lunch at school cafeteria. After lunch, I do brush my teeth and take the
 afternoon class. Before I leave the school, I put my books in the school locker. I
 After I arrive the house, I eat dinner with my family. Then I do my homework and
 surf the internet. I usually go to bed at 11:30P.M.
 I think regular routine is best routine. But sometimes I am sickening of my daily


  1. Hi jisoo! I'm una. I read your essay. It is very interesting and similar to me. You are use easy words and simple sentence. So I could understand at a glance.
    But you make mistakes.
    Eceryday -> Everyday
    It is wrong word.
    I After I arrive -> After I arrive
    I think that it is just petty error.
    Anyway,It is good writing!

  2. Jisoo - you have many easy mistakes that you can correct. Please check carefully before your final draft. Also make sure it is one paragraph (format).
