Monday, October 29, 2012

Sam's daily routine

       I always get up at 9:00 am. And I take a shower after having brief breakfast. And I go

pool. After swimming during 30 minutes, I prepare to go University. And I go out from my

home at 10:00 am. At first, I take bus to go Juan station. It takes about thirty minutes.

Then I take subway line 1 to go Seoul station. It takes about 1 hour. And I transfer subway

4 to go Gilum station and it takes 20 minutes. After go out Gilum station and it takes 20

minutes. After go out Gilum station, I take bus to go my university. My commute takes 2

hours and 30 minutes. The time that I go to my home is different everyday. After school,

I repeat my commute. On my way to home, I drop by park. And I enjoy jogging and playing

basketball. When I arrive my home, I eat dinner and do my homework. After finishing,

works I have to do, I listen to music and go to sleep at 11:30 pm. It is my daily routine.


  1. Have a good night Sam?
    I'm Justin.
    I saw your daily routine essay.

    Your writing has a many specific points. So, when I read this essay I can understanding very correctly, and I felt comfortable.

    However, I think you need some of dividing on the sentences. Really, when I read this essay I felt distraction also.

  2. Sam - a couple things:

    1. too much detail about your traveling - give us more detail about the rest of your day.
    2. "And" cannot start a sentence! Ever!
    3. Articles - you are missing many, many articles. Please go through and check for this.
