Monday, October 29, 2012

Justin's Routine Weekend (Justin, Blog 3)

  My Routine on The Weekend
My routine on the weekend is little bit hard. Because I have two part
time jobs. Normally, On the weekend early morning, some times I have to
appointment of ride a bicycle with my friends. And I have lunch time, then I
prepare to my teaching reference. So, I have conduct Japanese teacher on
the weekend. but It's not my all of weekend time spending, because I have
been working start on the afternoon at the convenient store and working on
the midnight time. On Sunday morning I'll going to church and I have been
worship, next time I'll go to working also. Almost of my weekend time are
working but I have satisfaction to my effort. However I want little of break


  1. Hey,Justin. This is ELLA. I read yours. It is good,however I think there are some negative things.
    Good thing is that your writing is quite simple to read.
    But I think negative thing is that no indent but once, and each sentences are too long. I think that detail sentences is better. And you miss a capital letter. Except these things, I think your writing is good.

  2. Justin - the first half of your paragraph is unrelated. You only need to talk about your routine. Please read through the other paragraphs on this blog to help you understand the assignment. You need to re-write the paragraph following the instructions in the book. Let me know if you have questions.

    1. Thank for your advise. So, I had rewriting and correct my miss
