Saturday, October 27, 2012

Sook's Weekday Routine (Sook, Blog3)


Sook’s Weekday Routine

                  I am a university student so my daily routine is a little bit boring and regular. However, I think there are some special things in my own routine. In the every morning, I get up around at 7 A.M. My cute dog wakes me up with licking my face. I love my dog so I get up happily with smiling. Then I have a breakfast right after getting up. I watch a television while eating breakfast. Then I shower. During the shower, I listening the radio. I have a waterproof MP3 player so I can listen while I take a shower. After then, I go to my dress room and dressed up very quickly. Almost every time when I pick up my clothes, my own designer recommends me what I should wear. Then I leave my home and take a bus or a subway. When I arrived at school, I have to walk up the hill to listen the lecture. However, sometimes I use the secret passage. I am the only one person who knows that way. Using that way I can go upstairs easily. At 1 P.M. I have lunch in the cafeteria with my friends. I have lunch on the stage of cafeteria. That is my seat. After lunch, I drink a cup of coffee. Then I have lectures again for few hours. When my all lecture schedules are over, I chat with my friends in café before I leave the school. At 6 P.M. my chauffeur comes to school taking me up. I do not have dinner because I have been on-diet since last year. However, it looks ineffective even so far. Then I sleep for about 2 hours. After taking a nap I do my homework quickly and watch a television or surf the internet for few hours. Most of the thing I do using the computer is internet shopping. Last, I go to the bed and sleep well all nights.


  1. Your writing was interesting. There are some curious things in your routine. If I have a chance, I want to here your detailed routine more. But I think there are some mistakes too..

    "I love my dog so I get up happily with smiling" in this sentence, I think 'smiling' should change to 'smile' because smiling was adjective. As far as I know, noun comes after the preposition.

    "I am the only one person who knows that way."
    I think this sentence wasn't related with essay's topic daily routine. It was funny words but if you delete this sentence, consistency of your writing was better.

    Except these two mistakes, your writing was good. You are good at format so first sentence was indented well. Also placing your routine in order very well. I can understand your daily routine easily. I like that you often put your opinion of your routine. Especially next sentence " My cute dog wakes me up with licking my face. I love my dog so I get up happily with smiling." I can feel your love of dog.

    Then, I wish you could lose weight successfully.
    Have a nice weekend!

  2. Good Sook! You can add some more adjs. and fix a few grammatical mistakes. Lauren has good advice. Also remember to check your articles. Good work.
