Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Promotion of Health from Physical Education (Sook)


Promotion of Health from Physical Education
-Should Physical Education Be Mandatory in Schools?

                  Physical education must be remained in schools. Recently it has been a hot issue for a long time. Needless to say, in the old days, it had to be conducted in schools. However, as study goes more and more important for students in society, this controversy rose to the surface. Some people said it should be conducted in school and many others do not agree with this. In my opinion, it should be educated in school. First, in Korea, many students study for a very long time nearly the same position. If there is no physical education, there is no chance for students to move actively in their life. Although it is a short time to exercise, it can help students stretch their whole body. It can also prevent the disease like ‘Spine Repletion’ which has been notorious among students these days and can be occurred in a person who sits for a long time. Second, the regular exercise is effective for keeping basal physical fitness. It is an important part of healthy lifestyles. Students have not enough time for their exercise out of school. So the physical education time in school must nearly the only chance to them to move their body. When they should not do just this their strength will declines in succession. It can be more possible to getting flu and getting sick frequently. Then students cannot live healthy life. Last, physical education also can help developing many muscles. However, in every school it may all different what sports they learn. Like some schools may teach tennis and golf, and the others may teach aerobic and basketball. Whatever students learn, it is certain they learn many sports that can help developing several muscles. Then we can be more strong and healthier. People cannot live without exercise. They have to do exercise at least two times in a week. If they do not act even this, they will not health and active in their life. For these reasons, physical education in schools should be done. It will necessary for students.

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