Monday, November 12, 2012

Best Team Work Sport

2012108026 Ian

Best Team Work Sport

Many sports is demand to team work because a lot of sports are team sports. I think that soccer is best team sports among them.
First reason is that soccer team think highly of team not a individual. Soccer team can’t get a victory as a individual. Each one take their own role. 11 players have to play as a saw-toothed wheel and then only be a powerful team.
Second reason is team work can make consistent play. Soccer game and player have many variable but team work can make up for their variable.
Third reason is team work can make accurate pass. Pass is foundation of soccer game because soccer is team sports so they must pass the ball for making chance. It’s related in skill but team work is needed too.

Because of those reason, I think that soccer is best team work sport.

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