Monday, November 12, 2012

Best Exercise for Losing Weight (Hannah)

Jumping Rope Is the Best Type of Exercise for Losing Weight
     Many people exercise regularly. They have various goals, so they exercise very hard. Among lots of exercising ways, jumping rope is the best effective exercise for losing weight. Jumping rope is simple to try. You can see people easily who exercise with jump rope. It is not necessary to use wide space. You can exercise everywhere you wants. Like these advantages, jumping rope has three reasons to make enormous effect of losing weight.
     First, jumping rope makes cardio pulmonary function strong. It is effective to supply biood to blood vessel. The circulation of the blood is so vital because blood circulation supplies nutrient to each organ. Without the blood circulation, it is no use to losing weight. For losing weight, basic health like cardio pulmonary function is very important. It is reason that jumping rope is appropriate exercise.
     Second, jumping rope is proper to increase the exercise capacity. If you exercise jumping rope steadily, it will makes you can do every exercise easily. It is helpful to losing weight because of your improved physical condition. Furthermore, jumping rope is aerobic exercise, so it is good to relax your body.
     Third, jumping rope stimulates many muscles. When you are skipping rope, you use every muscles in all your body. Using muscles both upper and lower body is helpful to lose weight. It makes basal metabolic rate increase. It means energy consumption is getting increase. Increasing of energy consumption is contribute to losing weight.
     Above these reasons, there are more reasons why jumping rope is useful to lose weight. Jumping rope is known for effective exercise to burn visceral fat. That is why people exercise jumping rope to lose their abdominal weight. For these lots of advantages and reasons, jumping rope is the best effective exercise for losing weight.

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