Monday, November 12, 2012

Women Should Do Exercise (Sally)




Women Should Do Exercise


                  These days, most women don’t like doing exercise. However exercise is very important. Exercise
help muscle’s growth, our health and diet. I think that women should do exercise because of three different

                  First, women should develop strength. These days, most work increase sedentary work. It makes

our body to decrease strength. However, if we do exercise, our strength will increase. Moreover, most

women have to study or work. I think that if we have high strength, we will more concentrate.

                  Second, women want to lose weight. Most women think that I will wear bikini or mini skirt in

summer. However, they don’t like exercise so they don’t eat dinner. Though, I think that they will gain weight

again if they eat but exercise is different. If they do exercise, their body will have muscle. It helps that they

don’t gain weight. Also, their body line is more beautiful.

                  Finally, women should prevent disease. Many germ are permeating in our body through the air.

However, if we do exercise, we will develop immunity. It prevents germ’s permeation. Therefore

we don’t fall illness. Moreover our body is healther.

                   Exercise is not easy in everyday. However it is good way to exercise in daily life. For example, If I
take a bus to subway station, I will walk to there. Walking is one of the most important exercise. Let’s start
exercise for our health.

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