Monday, November 12, 2012

Soccer is best team sport(Tyler)

Portfolio 15

Best Teamwork Sport: Soccer


    There are many team sports around the world. I think the top team sport is soccer. People watch soccer game and they are widely excited about it.

    First reason is soccer is team sport. If just only one player has good skill, it is not useful. Soccer has two parts: attack and defense. And elven players play the game. If one player runs too fast, there is no one who get pass.

    Second reason is team works is needed to play game with proper pace. If one player played too much, he will be exhausted. Team play makes players to play longer because players support each other. For example, if one player tries to do everything alone, his body can’t bear it. If several players attack together, each burden will decreased.

    Third reason is beauty of pass. Pass is skill that only possible when each player is ready. If they aren’t ready, how it can possible. As it says, pass needs team work. And pass is the key to win the game. There are several cases of wining because of pass. That was really awesome.

    Because all these reasons, soccer is best team sports.

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