Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Physical Education Should be Mandatory in High School(Yoon)


Physical Education Should be Mandatory in High School

In these days many high school doesn’t carry out physical education (especially 3rd grade in high school). They insist indoor subject is more important for their entrance examination. However, physical education is necessary for student’s health.

Most of high school students are stay in class room more than 10hours. They sitting on their desk all day long and they bend their spin for studying. They looked their books for very long hours. They just stick on their desk. They don’t have any activity time. If they had little active action in their classroom, they will listen some discipline because they disrupt other friend’s study. Also they think physical activity is not important because they have lots of competitor who didn’t move from their desk. Their environment is not allow to physical action. Therefore, they need specific time to move their body and release their tight muscles.

There are many reasons for physical education should be mandatory in high school, but most important reason is for student’s health. To conclude, physical education should be mandatory in high school for student’s health.

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