Monday, November 12, 2012

Physical Education Should Be Mandatory in Schools

Physical Education Should Be Mandatory in Schools
    There are many opinions about Physical Education in school in these days. But
P.E is most important for students. There are three reasons why they have to
learn P.E.

    The first reason is that they can improve their health through P.E. As
scientific technique grows, most people are getting convenient instead of their
health. We need to do more exercise than we think. Through P.E, many students
can do exercise and it is very important because nothing is more important than
one's health.

    The second reason is that they can learn teamwork through P.E. They don't
have any chance to do teamwork because they have to study all day in Korea.
They can avoid individual thinking through P.E.

    The third reason is that they can make friends easily. School is not only
studying place anymore. They can learn through relationship. Doing exercise with
their friends can make them friendly.

    These three things are reason why P.E should be manatory in School. Most
students can learn many thing through P.E, no text book. 

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