Monday, October 29, 2012

Sam's daily routine

       I always get up at 9:00 am. And I take a shower after having brief breakfast. And I go

pool. After swimming during 30 minutes, I prepare to go University. And I go out from my

home at 10:00 am. At first, I take bus to go Juan station. It takes about thirty minutes.

Then I take subway line 1 to go Seoul station. It takes about 1 hour. And I transfer subway

4 to go Gilum station and it takes 20 minutes. After go out Gilum station and it takes 20

minutes. After go out Gilum station, I take bus to go my university. My commute takes 2

hours and 30 minutes. The time that I go to my home is different everyday. After school,

I repeat my commute. On my way to home, I drop by park. And I enjoy jogging and playing

basketball. When I arrive my home, I eat dinner and do my homework. After finishing,

works I have to do, I listen to music and go to sleep at 11:30 pm. It is my daily routine.

Eunbin's Weekend Routine (Eunbin, Blog3)

 My Weekend Routine

     I'm working part-time job on weekend. The job is stationery store cashier. The store is close 

to my home. It will take 5 minutes on foot. I'm tend a shop, 10 a.m. 5 p.m. I open up the store at 

around 10 a.m. And I prepare for work. First, I turn on the computer and pos system. Second, I 

turn on the light in drinking water cooler. The store is not crowded on weekend. So, I feel 

comfortable during working. When no one in the store, I do my homework or read Internet 

articles. Buyers at the store are mostly children. Some of them are bad. They often steal store's

properties. So, I Keep a close eye on CCTV. However, most of them are kind and cute. 

sometimes I feel pleasure. I don't earn big money from this work, but it is comfortable job. So I 

do this part time job continually.  

My Routine ( Yoon, blog3 )

My Routine

          I had very irregular routine these days. After my midterm examination, all my routine is mixed. During the midterm exam period, I couldn't eat or sleep regularly and I have to give up almost everythings except midterm subject. Therefore, I need a new routine for my life and health.
          During the midterm exam, I didn't have any routine. I always study, eat lunch, study, eat dinner, study and sleep. My major is french, it's very hard to me. Therefore I have to spend much more time in studying french. After my midterm is finished, I need to make my daily routine again. This is my new daily routine. I wake up at 7am. I prepare for school for un two hours. I do stretching, eat breakfast, washing and get dressed. Then I take a bus and go to Dobongsan subway station. I take a line 1 to Changdong station and transfer to line 4. When I arrive at Gireum station, I take a school suttle bus or bus 1164. I take my class or do my assingnment or studying at school library. After my school is over I usually come to home and do my assignment. However, friday or sometimes I hang out with my friends. When I came home I take a shower and do stretching for my diet. Then I turn on my electric pad and go to sleep.
          Also I have a few goals that wanted to achieve this year, stretching everyday, studying TOEFL and studying English for my transfer exam. and achieve DELF A un and A deux in next February. Also I wanted to various support activities , reading  many books and make a hobby some thing worthy.For more details, first I will do stretching everyday. I'm not overweight but I need to shave my body. I prefer stretching than exercising. I don't have enough time to go fitness center, so I will stretching in my house when I have a free time. Second, I will study English and French much harder than now. My goal is achieving TOEFL enough score and DELF A un and A deux. Thus, I have to devide my time more detailed and efficiently. I have to review my French class everyday and memorizing more vocabulary. Also I need to start workbooks. Third, I will invest to my self. I will apply to many different support activities. I want to read a various kinds of books. From those books, I want to expand my thoughts. Also I will make a worthy hobby. For examples, I love reading or studying in cafe with coffee and desserts, so I could visit many cafe and record them. I like mending my mother's old clothes, so maybe I could make my own scrapbooks.
          There are so many things that I want to do and I have to do. Also there are many things to that I will do. I will make proper balance between them and improve myself.

Justin's Routine Weekend (Justin, Blog 3)

  My Routine on The Weekend
My routine on the weekend is little bit hard. Because I have two part
time jobs. Normally, On the weekend early morning, some times I have to
appointment of ride a bicycle with my friends. And I have lunch time, then I
prepare to my teaching reference. So, I have conduct Japanese teacher on
the weekend. but It's not my all of weekend time spending, because I have
been working start on the afternoon at the convenient store and working on
the midnight time. On Sunday morning I'll going to church and I have been
worship, next time I'll go to working also. Almost of my weekend time are
working but I have satisfaction to my effort. However I want little of break

Hannah's Daily Routine (Hannah, Blog 3)

Hannah's Daily Routine
       I get up at 7 A.M usually because I have to go to school. I take a shower after I feed to my puppy. I get dressed and eat breakfast. I leave home an hour and a half early before the class. I take the subway when I go to school. I meet my friends at the transfer station and we arrives at school by bus. When I'm at school, I usually spend most of the time in the class. I learn about English and Russian. I eat lunch with my class friends and go home together. In the evening, I take the rest after arriving at home. Talking with my family, I prepare the dinner. After eating dinner, I do my assignments. The day is over when I finish my assignments. Sometimes, when I have no assignments, I surf the Internet or go to bed early.

Jisoo's daily routine ( Jisoo, Blog3)

Jisoo's daily routine

2012108035 Jisoo

 Let me tell you about my daily routine.
 Usually I wake up at 5:30A.M. Because I have a first class on Tuesday, Wednesday
 and Tursday. But sometimes, I wake up at 9:00A.M. And I wash my face, hair and
 brush my teeth. After washing, I get dressed and make up. I wear light makeup
 that looks natural. Then I take the bus to school. In the bus, I eat breakfast. I
 enjoy eating sweet potatoes and rice cake. Eceryday I get to school before
 8:30A.M. After I get to school, I prepare for class. Then I take the class.
 I have a lunch at school cafeteria. After lunch, I do brush my teeth and take the
 afternoon class. Before I leave the school, I put my books in the school locker. I
 After I arrive the house, I eat dinner with my family. Then I do my homework and
 surf the internet. I usually go to bed at 11:30P.M.
 I think regular routine is best routine. But sometimes I am sickening of my daily

My daily routine(Una,Blog3)

My daily routine


     I'd like to introduce my daily life. I usually wake up at 8 A.M. in the morning because it takes about an hour to go to the university. After i wake up, i take a short shower and wash my face, brush my teeth, eat breakfast and ready to go to school. Then I wear my clothes and put on make up. At 9 o'clock, I leave home and go to school by bus and subway. It takes about 1 hours to get to school. In general, I have lessons from 10 A.M to 3 P.M. In the afternoon, I have lunch with my friends in students' dining hall. And sometimes, I have a chat with friends. When I get back home, do homework and take a rest.
And in the evening, I have dinner with my family. Then I play with my the youngest brother. He is 7 years old. And I watched TV and finish my day. After I go to bed at 12 o'clock . 

My Routine on Weekend(Peter,Blog3)

My Routine on Weekend(Peter,Blog3)


Every weekend I usually wake up at 12:00 AM. Because I usually play computer game or play basketball at dawn. After getting up I always brush my teeth and wash my face.After washing I usually eat lunch at 1:00PM. I usually go to park to play basketball when I didn’t play basketball on Friday. I usually play basketball about 2~3 hours. Especially, I play basketball very often, because winter has coming. When winter has come, I can’t play basketball very much so I usually play basketball until winter has coming. After playing basketball I usually take a shower at 5:00PM. After take a shower I usually eat dinner with my family at 6:00PM. After dinner I usually do my homework until I go to bed. I usually go to bed at 12:00PM. On Sunday, I always go to church and have worship. After worship, I usually teach children about Bible history. Almost children don’t know exactly about Bible history, so I teach Bible history and tell a story about Bible. But, It’s very hard to teach children because, sometimes children can’t concentrate always. After teaching, I eat lunch at 1:00P.M. I usually go back to home and take a rest. After rest, I usually eat dinner with my family at 6:00PM. After dinner, I usually do my homework when I didn’t do on Saturday. After homework I wash my face and go to bed at 12:00PM.

My daily (Lauren, blog3)

My daily routine

        My daily routine is centered around the school schedule. In a week except Wednesday, I wake up at 10 a.m. Wednesday I have a class at 9 a.m. so I have to wake up at 7 a.m. After I awake from my sleep I eat some snack to alleviate my hunger for a space. I wear clothes and make up listening the music. I pack my assignments and book in a bag. I walk to the subway station Nowon. I take the subway for Sadang or Oido. Between eight and ten o'clock, there are many people in subway because that time was the office-going hour. I stops at Gireum station and transfer to school bus. First class of Monday is Basic French. After this class I eat lunch and dessert in cafe with my friends approximately an hour's. In three p.m. I take the French Writing class. I like French class so I do my best. After school I go to home by bus and subway. In Tuesday and Thursday I go to my part time job by nine o'clock. Rest of the day I do my assignments and web surfing by computer. When I finished my homework I start reading a book. Roughly I read 30 pages on everyday. I do my exercise using smart phone fitness applications. I go to bed at about 12 o'clock. I have a simple and busy day. 

My Routing on the Weekend (Sally, Blog3)




My Routine on the Weekend


                  I wake up at 7:00 A.M. on the weekend. Because I have worked at convenience store since April.  I go to work at 8:00 A.M. After going to work, I always calculate. However, I sometimes arrange stuff and clean there. Convenience store where I work is don’t have customer so I have many free time. I work for one hour. Then, I watch drama or cartoon at 9:00 A.M. for 3 hours. Then, I eat lunch at 12:00 P.M. I bring my lunch but sometimes I buy it. Anyway, I study at 12:30 P.M. for 2 hours and half. After finishing study, I leave work.
                  I have attend a sanctuary since 8 ages so I go there at 4:00 P.M. I do a holy book meeting for 1 hour and half. After finishing holy book meeting, I manage students. I had been middle-high school student. Therefore, I am a teacher naturally. By the way, I celebrate a mass at 7:30 P.M. for one hour. After, finishing a mass, I have a meeting with other teachers. Then, we are having a get-together every week.  If I attend there, I think that mind and body are tranquil. Therefore, I always go there every week.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Sophie's Weekday Routine (Sophie, Blog3)


Sophie’s Daily Routine

Every weekday, I wake up at 7:00 AM. After getting up, I take a shower. I’m very slow in the bathroom. My mom presses me to take a shower quickly. She says me I need to hurry up otherwise I would late for my first lecture. After taking a shower, I dry my hairs. My hairs are not long, but take long time to dry. I listen to the weather news at TV. I listen to the radio while eating breakfast. Then, I put on clothes and leave home at 9:00 AM. I take a bus at Boramae Park to go to a subway station. I get off the bus at Daebang station. I take Line 4 Subway to go to my university. I get off the subway at Gileum station and go to take a school bus. When I arrive to the university, I go to Grazie, which is a cafe in Udamguan. I pick up a drink and go to the classroom. A drink makes me not to fall asleep during the class. I listen to lectures and submit assignments. I have lunch with my friends with my friends at 2:00 PM. After lunch, I do my assignments with friends if there are free time. After all lectures, I go to a cafeteria to have delicious dinner. After eating dinner, I go to my home. When I arrive at home, I turn on the TV. While watching TV, I eat snacks. Also I do my assignments before go to my bed. I try to do the assignments well. I go to bed at 12:00 AM. I’m took very long time to fall asleep. I drop off nearly at 2:00 AM. My weekday routine is often boring, but I enjoy my weekdays. My weekends will be more fun.

My Daily Routine (Henny, Blog3)




My Daily Routine


                 My weekday is always same pattern. That is because I am a student. Except Wednesday, I wake up at 8:30 A.M. After waking up, I eat breakfast, bread and glass of milk. Then, I take the shower. When I end a shower and wear clothes, it is time to go to school. I go to school by taking the bus. I go to my university every day from Monday to Friday. Each day, I have two or three classes. After the classes, I come back home and I am very tired. That’s why I take a rest about an hour. Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, I go to gym. I like exercise. Also, I want to make a physical strength. After exercising, I do my homework at home. I review what I learned that day, too. If I do not review that day, I cannot catch up with the class. I go to bed before 1 A.M. That is because if I go to bed after 1 A.M, I cannot spend next day normally. I think that my routine is so boring. I want some change in my life.

Dean's Weekday Routine (Dean, Blog3)


                                              Dean's Weekday Rountine

     Nowadays, My daily routine is very regular. I always wake up 6:00 A.M. After wake up, I take a shower while listening to the music. After take a shower, I eat breakfast and put on clothes. All ready done to go university, I leave my home at 7:00 A.M and take a subway to go to university. Then I arrive at the university at 8:30 A.M. In the morning, Subway is too crowded so I go to school 30 minutes early. At 9:00 A.M. - 12:00P.M, I take a classes. After morning classes, I eat lunch in the cafeteria. After eating lunch, I take a afternoon classes. Afternoon classes finish at 6:00 A.M. I usually play with my university friends by drinking alcohol or eating food. Hanging out with friends, I go to home. After come home, I do my homework or use computer. At 12:00A.M, I go to the bed.

Tyler's new routine(Tyler,blog3)



Tyler's New Routine

     I think my life is not so bad. After I wake up, I took a shower and prepare to go university. But it needs more productive routines. So I deeply think about how I can improve my life. First, I want to wake up early. Every day I woke up when one and half hour before class starts. After I take a shower, it’s already one hour left. It’s really tough morning. I need a change. If I can wake up early, I can read newspaper or short novel. Second, I want to study for major in few minutes every day. In few days after my major class, I forget what I learn in class. I don’t have enough time to study. It’s a big problem when midterm or final exam is comes. It can spoil my exam. Actually I got C in Russian major when last semester was over. I’m really shame for that. Third, I want to exercise in the nearby park. I am too skinny. Since middle school, my weight is not over 60kg. When I had a medical check, doctor said I’m too low weight. It’s not a problem about how many I eat. I think it’s an exercise insufficiency. During the class, I barely move. I want to have good shaped body. So I decide to ride bicycle for three days in week.

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Sook's Weekday Routine (Sook, Blog3)


Sook’s Weekday Routine

                  I am a university student so my daily routine is a little bit boring and regular. However, I think there are some special things in my own routine. In the every morning, I get up around at 7 A.M. My cute dog wakes me up with licking my face. I love my dog so I get up happily with smiling. Then I have a breakfast right after getting up. I watch a television while eating breakfast. Then I shower. During the shower, I listening the radio. I have a waterproof MP3 player so I can listen while I take a shower. After then, I go to my dress room and dressed up very quickly. Almost every time when I pick up my clothes, my own designer recommends me what I should wear. Then I leave my home and take a bus or a subway. When I arrived at school, I have to walk up the hill to listen the lecture. However, sometimes I use the secret passage. I am the only one person who knows that way. Using that way I can go upstairs easily. At 1 P.M. I have lunch in the cafeteria with my friends. I have lunch on the stage of cafeteria. That is my seat. After lunch, I drink a cup of coffee. Then I have lectures again for few hours. When my all lecture schedules are over, I chat with my friends in café before I leave the school. At 6 P.M. my chauffeur comes to school taking me up. I do not have dinner because I have been on-diet since last year. However, it looks ineffective even so far. Then I sleep for about 2 hours. After taking a nap I do my homework quickly and watch a television or surf the internet for few hours. Most of the thing I do using the computer is internet shopping. Last, I go to the bed and sleep well all nights.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

The King of Enlighten (Justin,blog2)

The King of Enlighten
The king Sejong is very enlightened monarch. He was born in the 1397 year, and he had gaining emblem of king in the 1418 year. Then he have more ambitious that creating ours alphabet. So, he were establish "JungEumChung" for creating of Korean alphabet "Hangul" for the nations.

 And he had interested in astronomy, Therefore he constructed to an astronomical observatory in 1438year. Also he created astronomical watch, and then he have a more interest in the watch. So, he gathered very capable scientists. 

Finally he created Sun Watch and Water Watch. He was very enlighten and intelligence person. So, many Korean have a mind of respect to him, also he printed in ours 10000Won paper money. 

Therefore I think The hero of Korea is King "Sejong".       

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

My father (Henny, Blog2)




My Father


My father is an ordinary person. But, to my eyes, he is a great person. When I was young, I did not think he was a hero. My think is changed while I am getting older. Here are some reasons why I consider him to a hero.

First, he has much knowledge about almost things and fields. When I asked him about any field, he answered all my questions. In addition, my question is related from literature to biology. That is, he knows knowledge of all different fields. Whenever he explained to me, I really respected his knowledge.

Second, he read many books. I think that his knowledge is come from this ‘reading’. Though his major and occupation are related in engineering, he likes history books, detective stories and politics articles. So I cannot understand him. In my case, my major is language, I do not like all things about natural sciences like biology, science and engineering.

Third, he is a homely person. Though he is very busy because of his work, he always helps with the housework. I grew up watching him, so I help with the housework naturally. Also he likes to cook for us. When my mother was outside, he made a delicious dinner.

Whenever I think that I want to be like my father, knowledgeable in many different fields, interested in various fields, and homely person. I will try to like my father. Also, in the future, I want my kids will consider me to hero, too.

Precautions of Crime (Sook, Blog2)


Precautions of Crime


                  In these days, crime rate is increasing in succession. It becomes a one of the most significant problem to solve for us. We have to think about the precaution for the priority to keep ourselves from this problem. The person who protects us any time certainly is eventually only ourselves. For this reason, we need to know that how can we protect ourselves.
                  At first, we should not hang around late at night. It is a really dangerous behavior. As the analyst who studies about the ‘Crime Rate’ from 2001 to 2012, most of the crime happened from 11PM to 2AM. This study’s result says it has a high probability to leave home at that time. We have to know this fact and to keep that in mind so trying not to go outside late as much as possible.
                  Second, we have to lock the door and window thoroughly. This precaution is the most basic thing to keep us. We have learned about this way since we had learned at the kindergarten. However, most people overlook this very easily. I have an anecdote about this. When I was 12, my friend who lived in my next door forgot to lock the front door and went to the school. After all of her family members back to their home, there was nobody in house but the house was fallen into utter confusion. That is because a thief broke into their house. It was just as well that no one was in there that time, so no one gets hurts. Someone may think it is not very important but I think it is the most important thing for keeping us from danger.
                  Last, we need to bring the spray for self-protection. As the crime rate is increasing recently, people make more self-defense gadgets and also use it more frequently. In fact, I do not really know about practical effects about these things. However, all of my friends who have used this recommend this for me continuously. They said when they hold this in their hands and walk alone at night, they feel more safely. Anybody may have the time that unavoidably being alone late at night. That time it will be efficiently be used for them.
                  All of us have the right to live safely. However, if the life environment does not allow us for enjoying this right, we have to protect for ourselves. If we try a lot harder to show concern, our life will be safe enough. It made us to live more pleasantly and more healthily.

Hero in my family (Jisoo, Blog2)

Topic 1
Hero in my family
     The person a hero in my family is uncle.  Uncle is husband of my great -

aunt. His name is Yoon hwan - Oh.    He is loving and understanding.  His job is
director of a Gosiwon.  He manage a Gosiwon in Paju.  But that is not a reason for
a hero.  Let me talk about reason that he became a hero.
     First, He provide Gosiwon room to poor homeless people for free.   My uncle
does a kindness to poor people using his job.   It is not a easy task.  But he take
care of homeless pelple.
     Second, my uncle gave them many things to dream and hope for future.
Because  They are not happy in relative terms about the quality of life.  Almost poor 

people lost the will to live.  
     Third, He always encouraged them to get a job.  And sometimes,  he made
them get a job too.  Getting a job is very important to them.  Because  getting a job makes 

them a hope.
     So many people said my uncle is emotional anchor of their life.  And for this
reason, He appeared on television.  So he became famous and His good deeds
became well-known throughout the world.  But he said "I'm not doing this to be
rewarded."  He is my role model.  And I think he is a real hero in my family.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012

3 Ways of Enjoying Campus Life

3 Ways of Enjoying Campus Life
        Every university students want to enjoy their campus life but It is not easy to them. Many people don’t know what to do. I experienced campus life almost 1 year. So I will subscribe some advice that 3 ways of enjoying campus life.  
The first way is that we have to specific aim and plan. Every freshman want to do many things but that is very vaguely things. If they really want to do, they have to make a plan to do in stages and spend time as planned. It can help you achieve something you want.
The second way is spending time with your classmates or university people. This is very simple. If you play or study, you just spend with your classmates and join the club or make the club. It can be help you more effective and fun. It’s important when they enter the university because first time is very good to become intimate.
The third way is keeping in touch with fast friends. If you feel unhappy, your fast friends can help you feel better. Second way’s topic is not just spend only university classmates. If you want to have a good time in campus, you need to follow 3 ways at the same time.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

My Favorite Way of Staying In Touch With Friends(Jay Blog #1)

My Favorite Way of Staying In Touch With Friends

 There are many ways that make staying in touch with friends. Living life without any friends, is very terrible. I think people can not live as alone. So I want to introduce my own ways to staying in touch with friends.

The first way is drinking alcohol often. Alcohol make people getting closely. If we spend time for night, most of koreans prefer to drink alcohol. While drinking alcohol we can talk more deeper and closer. Through drinking alcohol your friendship might be more tight.

The second way is take a picture together. When I look old pictures, I can feel "something" about past memories. The memories would be good or bad memories, but we can remember some happens from past. By looking old picture,  it make me to call my old friends.

The last way is contact your friend often. I think this is best way to staying in touch. If you contact often, you can share your feeling. Sharing feeling is the most important thing in human relationships.

All these ways are good tips to my life. I have many friends and I've live life longer than other classmates. So I am pretty sure about these three ways would be good ways to staying in touch with friends. I really recommend these ways. So enjoy your life.

Three Ways of Staying Healthy (Hannah, Blog 1)

Three Ways of Staying Healthy
   There are three sensible ways of staying healthy. The first way is keeping the regular life style. To live regular life style is very important. Lifestyle is the first thing of healthful health. If you don't live regularly, you could have a problem in your body. Lifestyle is directly connected with your health, so you should take care of regularity of life.
   The second way is taking the exercise. Exercise make you strong. You can get a strong body thanks to the exercise. It is helpful to everyone who wants to get a high immunity.
   The third way is healthful habit of eating. The food that you usually eat can be the key of preventing disease. The nutrient of food is important to balance your health. You should eat various nutrient for staying healthy. These three ways of staying healthy are helpful for your life.

Three ways of cooking (Una, Blog1)

Three ways of cooking


     These days, there are exist various food. Also, food recipe is more various. Many people want to good cook. What should we do to be a good cook? I have three easy way of cooking. Let's review about it.

The first way is that you should like cooking. Because You can learn a cooking well, if you like that. You should make people happy as your cooking and learn hard with the great enthusiasm you have in cooking.

Second way is that you should learn challenge and creativity. You will make Korean and international foods. And build your creativity. Creative activity is very important. And Not trying leads to your failure. Try our best to make your dreams come true. To achieve your dream of being a cook, you will continue to give a challenge.

The third way is that you should have honesty. It is contain various job part. If you aren't honest, you may lose faiths from the others. We must say true words more than lies not to lose believes. Ambition and knowledge are important to be the cook. However, it is more important that you have to be the person with honesty and trusty.

All three ways of cooking are useful. Besides many methods exist. You should learn about it. This is important to you. Remind about contents. Then you will be a good cook. 

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Three Ways of Cleaning the Room(Lauren, blog 1)


Three ways of cleaning the room

Cleaning is important. A state of room affect your work. The room was mess, your mind was mess too. To prevent these situation, you should clean your room. There are three effective ways of cleaning the room.

The first way is throwing away things you do not use. If you don't use it at least 3 months, it means it doesn't useful item for you. We called these things rubbish. Usually rubbish is offender of your mess room. People thought a moment that they need rubbish is coming, but that moment never come. Those are just exist in their room occupying big space.

The second way is using boxes. Boxes will help you organizing items. Use one box by one item group. Using boxes means grouping item. For example papers, small stationary or electronic equipment.  If items were organized, you can find the item you need more easy than before so you can save your time.

The third way is placing it back where they belong after you use them. It is precaution that  will prevent room to be mess and keep your room clean. It prevent that put your room out of order.

All these three ways of cleaning the room improve your work efficiency. Also keeping clean is good for your health and change your feeling to work.

Monday, October 1, 2012

Sam' writing


Three Successful ways of Dieting

Many people want to get good body. As soon as global economy was developed very much almost everyone is interested in well-being. But most fail to diet, because it is very hard to accomplish their goal. Even though they achieved their goal, yo-yo diet used to come to them. So let me introduce successful ways of dieting.

At first, you should eat like a bird. It is most important to success your goal because if you eat as usual, you never loose your weight. Make a habit that eat like a bird. You don't need to eat very small. Just cut your meals in half.

Second, you should exercise 3 or 4 times a week. It is very effective to remove fat. And it is important to do constantly and regularly. And it is effective to overcome yo-yo diet. It can make you healthy as well as dieting.

Third, you should live a well-regulated life. It seems sound easy to practice, but it is very hard to practice. Waking up at time you fixed, sleeping at time you fixed, and eating at time you fixed are very important.

Practicing is very important than just knowing these facts. Never think success your goal very short time. It is like a marathon. You have to endure these situations. These ways make you healthier as well as dieting. Not only people who lose their weight but people who want to get their health need these days.