Sunday, September 30, 2012

Three Ways to Memorize Words(Peter/Blog1)

Three Ways to Memorize Words.
    Portfolio 9         

       When I'm a highschool students. I usually study english very much. Because English is the most eimportant subject in suneung. So I always memorize the enlgish words. I will introduce about remember three remember method.
The first way is read the words and speak the words. I use this method when I don't have enough times. It costs little time. But you should concentrate very much. If you concentrate very well,  it works when you are very busy. Please remember that It just improvisation, Not a perfect memorize method.
The second way is write the words on the note or paper etc. It can be used when you have much time. I use this method when I have enough time and I usually use this method. Because It's effect is better than first and last one. However It cost many times. So you should know how much time do you have. I strongly recommend this method. This method is very blooming method. But if you try to write the words in the note steadily, It is never betray you.
 The third way is just look at your words on and on. It looks like the first way but it's a little bit different. It is very effective where you can't read and speak the words. It is a very effective way just focus on the time. You can use this method you have not enough time. It just like carve the words in your brain very short time. So after you wake up tomorrow you may forget half of the words.
Those are three method What I used. I'm very glad if you use this method very effectively. Try to select method depend on your time limit. If you use this method effectively, You can use your time very well.

1 comment:

  1. Peter,

    1. Verb tense - make sure you have the right tense for each one

    2. "Because" usually does not start a sentence

    3. Spelling

    4. Make sure you give a clear thesis with all your main points included
