Sunday, September 30, 2012

Various Ways of Shopping (Sook, blog1)


Various Ways of Shopping

    In these days, things are very much changed in our lifestyle. It is more convenient to live. As our more comfortable lifestyle, one of the necessary things to make a living, shopping is also easier to do for us. We can do this without big efforts. It is very important thing for us because some of us, especially for women enjoy shopping for their leisure. Generally, People have three efficient ways of shopping in a large way.
    The first way is doing our shopping by using the computer. Today most people have their own computer. That is why it is more convenient for people these days. We can buy anything we want just with the click of mouse. We can compare the price easily and also find much information about the stuff we want to buy. The biggest merit for this way is we can save our time very much.
    The second way is ‘Home Shopping’. We can do it just turning on the TV in our house. We can save more money when we buy something for using this way. The stuff sold in this way is really cheap than others. However, when we want to buy the particular stuff, we have to know what time that stuff is broadcasting. We only can buy things when the particular stuff that we want to buy is broadcasting. It can be a little uncomfortable for consumers.
    The last way is going to the department store or somewhere else we can buy stuff, then we buy them directly. This is the most universal way of shopping. People can wear, use and check the stuff personally. It is more certain way than the others. We also can use it right after we pay it. When we use this way, it may cost many times to do. However, when we need the stuff rapidly we cannot help using this way.
    All of these ways are very useful. Most of us may use all these ways. Or someone who did not use these ways will do from now on. We have to make full use of these ways in appropriate situation. Then our life will more convenient and happy.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi Sook? I read your writing again.
    Your writing is very good, but I want to help you
    to write more clearly.
    First, Quantities of your paragraphs are equivalent. However
    I think it will be more comfortable to read, if you write on every other line.
    Second, I think the last sentence at last paragraph is missing
    verb 'be' after 'will'.

    Thank U~ Have a nice day!

  3. Good work Sook :) Yes Sophie is right in her second comment; also please look for articles that are missing. Also you are missing a few prepositions. Very good organization and flow.
