Sunday, September 30, 2012

Ways of Unique Nail Art(ELLA,BLOG1)

Portfolio 9

Ways of Unique Nail art

   Today’s people have many ways of personality. For example hair style, make up, clothes. However  these are a little bit similar to anybody. We change our nail style. There are three ways of unique nail art.   
   First, choose manicure color what you like and manicuring what you choose. But important thing is color that you like and match your skin. For example,if your hand is very white, match color is like strong color. For example black, red, and yellow. 
      Second is pick up the contrast color what you choose, and manicuring half of your nails. If you like more pretty or unique, manicuring diagonal or draw a pattern to thin brush what you want.
     At last,  if  you have a ring, may be there is  a cubic on the ring. That ring is looks better by ring. The cubic helps ring more beautiful. As like cubic, nail art has a glitter. The glitter is shining little powder. There is much color of the glitter.  You choose the glitter what match your manicure color and just sprinkle on your nails before your manicures dry. However drying is not important. If your nails are already dry, you just manicuring your nails on transparent manicure called topcoat.
        End of this, your nail is more shine and pretty. Also it is unique. Because it is make yourself, your own hands. To use these three ways, make the unique and pretty nails, express your personality.    


  1. Hi Ella!! I'm Sally.
    Did you study for midterm exam?
    Oh, I'm sorry...

    Anyway, your nail art skill is very good.
    I'm so envious you.

    I read this writing. Your writing is very good.
    especially, I'm easy to understand.
    Your explanation is great.
    I think that beginner will follow easily.

    However, you should change that so and also are Then or Therefore and but is however.
    Because They don't associate with beginning of sentence.

    I think that your writing is very good.
    However, if these will be changed, your writing is better.

    Thank you for your information.
    It helps for me.

  2. Ella, a couple things:

    1. Format. Please separate your essay into 5 paragraphs: Introduction, Body1, Body2, Body3, and Conclusion. Start each new paragraph on a new line and make sure you indent.

    2. Make sure every sentence has a Subject and a Verb! Some are missing.
