Sunday, September 30, 2012

Three ways of dieting (Jisoo, blog1)

Three effective ways of dieting

     Many dieters blame on a slow metabolism or bad genes for their inability to lose weight. and  my friends said they have tried every diet, but nothing works. So I investigate ways of dieting. This is three effective ways of dieting.

     The first way is take regular exercise. I think taking exercise is most important in dieting. Because 30minutes a day exercise will keep your body in shape. Second, exercise works to repair weak bodies. And exercise is reducing stress.

     The second way is cut down on the eat junk food. First reason is junk food has a lot of calories. So you will get fat, If you eat junk food. Second reason is snacking before a meal spoils the appetite, Therefore it can cause irregular eating. Third reason is junk food has no real nutrition. If you crave a junk food, have a herbal tea instead.

     The third way is don;t overeating. overeating is one of the main cause of obesity. and overeating can cause various adult diseases. In addition, overeating is destroyed to health. Try to overeating habit by doing something different.

      All three ways of dieting are useful, If you are dieter.  But too much is just as bad as too little. you need to remember that your health is more important than dieting. The key to a healthy diet is proper food and regular exercise.  I hope my writing is help to you.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. This article is easy to understand and clear.
    Especially, the last paragraph is encourage health diet. It is good conclusion.
    However, I think this article have some mistakes.
    First, I think that the last line of 4 paragraph is out of context.
    second, the first line of 5 paragraph has misprint. (don;t → don't)
    I hope this comment helpful to you.

  3. Jisoo, make sure you include all three main points in your thesis statement.

    2. You have the word 'second' twice. You should use a different word the first time.

    3. Your first sentence is a run-on. Divide it into two :)
