Sunday, September 30, 2012

Three Ways of Going to Seokyeong University (Unbin, Blog1)


Common Ways of Going to Seokyeong University

     Seokyeong university students have three common ways of going to school.

The first way is ride a bus. This way is cheapest way. Most students use this
way when they are going to school. So, the bus is so crowded in morning time.

The second way is walking. It is good way for your health. Students who live
near the school uses this method. But if you not live near by school, it is not
useful way. Because, Seokyeong university is located hill. In addition, humanities
school is stand the top of a hill. 

The third way is ride a taxi. This way is very convenient way. Or If you ride a taxi 
with four students it may be cheaper than the bus. But it is usual expensive way. 
If you have lots of money, you can use this way everyday. 

All three ways of going to Seokyeong university are very useful for freshmen.

Dean's Writing

Portfolio 9

Getting a high score on semester

Many students want to getting a high score on semester. I also want to getting a high score on semester but I can't getting a high score on previous semester. After previous semester, I always think that how I should do to get good grades. I will say that I think way to get successful result.                                                           

First, Don't absent in class. As far as I know, Total score of 10% is attendance In Sku. So if we absent many time , we can't expect to high score on semester. Therefore, we should be careful not to absent.          

Second, we should do homework everyday. Because We can review one's lesson by doing homework. If we steadily do homework, we can reduce the amounts of exam study.                                                         
Third, We remember that professor highlighted part. If professor highlighted some part, It is likely to come out on exam. If we know come out on exam part, Exam studying is more easier than don't know anything.

All three ways of getting a high score is very simple things. But I think that It is most hard to do simple things and it is most important thing to do simple things to get successful result.                                                       

Three Ways of Saving Money (Sally, Blog1)

Three Ways of Saving Money

      People invest saving of money a lot of time. They have various ways of it. I also have mine. These are three ways of saving money.

     The first way is writing wish lists in advance. If you go mart, maybe yu buy needless item. However, if you write wish lists, maybe you don't but it.

     The second way is writing cashbook. This help you to save the money efficiency. we can write income and payment in cashbook. If you disburse, you can know list of payment. Then, you observe yourself about unnecessariness of payment.

     The third is making a deposit. It's good for you to make deposit only for payment. If you pay on account, you receive interest. Moreover, I think that you steady your mind when you see a bankbook which is piled up by the money. If you have stable income, you should make installment savings.

    The ways of saving money is various except of thess three ways. However, this isn't easy for our. Therefore, I think that we more effort, if we want to save the money.

Three Ways to Memorize Words(Peter/Blog1)

Three Ways to Memorize Words.
    Portfolio 9         

       When I'm a highschool students. I usually study english very much. Because English is the most eimportant subject in suneung. So I always memorize the enlgish words. I will introduce about remember three remember method.
The first way is read the words and speak the words. I use this method when I don't have enough times. It costs little time. But you should concentrate very much. If you concentrate very well,  it works when you are very busy. Please remember that It just improvisation, Not a perfect memorize method.
The second way is write the words on the note or paper etc. It can be used when you have much time. I use this method when I have enough time and I usually use this method. Because It's effect is better than first and last one. However It cost many times. So you should know how much time do you have. I strongly recommend this method. This method is very blooming method. But if you try to write the words in the note steadily, It is never betray you.
 The third way is just look at your words on and on. It looks like the first way but it's a little bit different. It is very effective where you can't read and speak the words. It is a very effective way just focus on the time. You can use this method you have not enough time. It just like carve the words in your brain very short time. So after you wake up tomorrow you may forget half of the words.
Those are three method What I used. I'm very glad if you use this method very effectively. Try to select method depend on your time limit. If you use this method effectively, You can use your time very well.

Three ways of dieting (Jisoo, blog1)

Three effective ways of dieting

     Many dieters blame on a slow metabolism or bad genes for their inability to lose weight. and  my friends said they have tried every diet, but nothing works. So I investigate ways of dieting. This is three effective ways of dieting.

     The first way is take regular exercise. I think taking exercise is most important in dieting. Because 30minutes a day exercise will keep your body in shape. Second, exercise works to repair weak bodies. And exercise is reducing stress.

     The second way is cut down on the eat junk food. First reason is junk food has a lot of calories. So you will get fat, If you eat junk food. Second reason is snacking before a meal spoils the appetite, Therefore it can cause irregular eating. Third reason is junk food has no real nutrition. If you crave a junk food, have a herbal tea instead.

     The third way is don;t overeating. overeating is one of the main cause of obesity. and overeating can cause various adult diseases. In addition, overeating is destroyed to health. Try to overeating habit by doing something different.

      All three ways of dieting are useful, If you are dieter.  But too much is just as bad as too little. you need to remember that your health is more important than dieting. The key to a healthy diet is proper food and regular exercise.  I hope my writing is help to you.

Three Ways of Watching Movies(Sophie, Blog1)


Three Ways of Watching Movies

                  These days many people enjoy movies. There are a variety of movies. People choose and watch movies what they want to watch. There are three good ways of watching movies. People can watch movies in a theater, by downloading on a legal site and by buying DVD.

The first way is watching movies in a theater. People use this way when they want to enjoy a movie with people. They watch movies with their friends, or date with their girlfriend or boyfriend in a theater. People who want to watch a movie in a theater need going to a theater and choosing a movie which they want to watch. It is a little expensive, but it is a general way to watch a movie.

The second way is watching movies by downloading on legal sites. People use this way when they want to enjoy a movie conveniently. This way is fast and cheap. In this case, all people need for watching a movie are joining to be a member of the legal sites and login, then downloading what they want to watch. People can watch an old movie which wasreleased in the past and which they already watched in a theater , but want to enjoy it again.

The third way is watching movies by buying DVD. People use this way when they want to possess a favorite movie. If they buy DVD, they can enjoy behind stories in the DVD. This way is also convenient but a little expensive. All people need to do are buying at a DVD shop the DVD and turn on the computer then put on the DVD.

All three ways of watching movies are useful if people use them in the appropriate situations. Now days people live very busy lives. Usually they watch movies in a theater, but they also like to watch movies in their home conveniently by downloading and buying DVD.

Various Ways of Shopping (Sook, blog1)


Various Ways of Shopping

    In these days, things are very much changed in our lifestyle. It is more convenient to live. As our more comfortable lifestyle, one of the necessary things to make a living, shopping is also easier to do for us. We can do this without big efforts. It is very important thing for us because some of us, especially for women enjoy shopping for their leisure. Generally, People have three efficient ways of shopping in a large way.
    The first way is doing our shopping by using the computer. Today most people have their own computer. That is why it is more convenient for people these days. We can buy anything we want just with the click of mouse. We can compare the price easily and also find much information about the stuff we want to buy. The biggest merit for this way is we can save our time very much.
    The second way is ‘Home Shopping’. We can do it just turning on the TV in our house. We can save more money when we buy something for using this way. The stuff sold in this way is really cheap than others. However, when we want to buy the particular stuff, we have to know what time that stuff is broadcasting. We only can buy things when the particular stuff that we want to buy is broadcasting. It can be a little uncomfortable for consumers.
    The last way is going to the department store or somewhere else we can buy stuff, then we buy them directly. This is the most universal way of shopping. People can wear, use and check the stuff personally. It is more certain way than the others. We also can use it right after we pay it. When we use this way, it may cost many times to do. However, when we need the stuff rapidly we cannot help using this way.
    All of these ways are very useful. Most of us may use all these ways. Or someone who did not use these ways will do from now on. We have to make full use of these ways in appropriate situation. Then our life will more convenient and happy.

Three Ways of Watching Movies(Henny, Blog1)



Watching Movies


                 There are three specific ways of watching movies. These three ways are being used for many people already.
  The first way is going to theater. It is the most common way. People can buy ticket in theater, and watch movie in there. In these days, thanks to the technological development, there is extra-large screen called IMAX. In addition, 4D movie which is adding physical effect to existing 3D movie which has visual effect is popular. This high-tech movies are more expensive than general movies.
  The second way is downloading movies in the computer. Today, due to development of IT technology, many people download movies. This way has a merit that if people have any image player, they can watch a movie anywhere anytime. Sometimes people download a movie illegally without pay.

The third way is buying a DVD. People buy a movie DVD which they want to own. Sometimes, limited edition movie DVD is sold that is special for the movie fan. They would be happy when they buy that limited edition DVD. Also, this way has an advantage that people can watch movie in their home comfortably.
 All these ways give people options of watching movies. Each ways has a strength and weakness, so you can choose most suitable way for your type.

Justin's Writing

30 /9 /2012
The Way of Look for a Job

           Nowadays, many University students have a part time job for their abundant life.
Then we look for a nice working place. For example,  high salary and comforting at the working. So I think, we need a more job searching skill for ours life.
           The First way is using Internet site named “AlBaMon” or “AlBaCheonGook”. In this Internet sites help to our fast job hunting. Every moment uploading many advertising for help and applicants has contacting to boss. But This way, we can’t Know their working circumstance.
           The Second way is using own legs. On the street, many shops stick to advertising for help on their shop. And using this way, we can searching to our working place. But it consume to much of time and our power.
           The Final way is using friends. Not only I, ours friends have a many part time jobs. And they could to introduce their job. This way’s good point is we can getting a much of information in advance. But it would limited to we are place of residence.
           We have a more ways for job hunting. But I Think, this writing is your help to in your life.       

Ways of Unique Nail Art(ELLA,BLOG1)

Portfolio 9

Ways of Unique Nail art

   Today’s people have many ways of personality. For example hair style, make up, clothes. However  these are a little bit similar to anybody. We change our nail style. There are three ways of unique nail art.   
   First, choose manicure color what you like and manicuring what you choose. But important thing is color that you like and match your skin. For example,if your hand is very white, match color is like strong color. For example black, red, and yellow. 
      Second is pick up the contrast color what you choose, and manicuring half of your nails. If you like more pretty or unique, manicuring diagonal or draw a pattern to thin brush what you want.
     At last,  if  you have a ring, may be there is  a cubic on the ring. That ring is looks better by ring. The cubic helps ring more beautiful. As like cubic, nail art has a glitter. The glitter is shining little powder. There is much color of the glitter.  You choose the glitter what match your manicure color and just sprinkle on your nails before your manicures dry. However drying is not important. If your nails are already dry, you just manicuring your nails on transparent manicure called topcoat.
        End of this, your nail is more shine and pretty. Also it is unique. Because it is make yourself, your own hands. To use these three ways, make the unique and pretty nails, express your personality.    

Three Ways of Saving Money (Yoon.Blog1)

Three Ways of Saving Money

As economy situation is not so good at the moment, many people are
interested in
saving money. there are three efficient ways of saving money.
First, writing a cash book! You should writing a cash book day by day. When
you write a cash book, you should write specific and organized. Then you should
check if there are any unnecessary expense or over expense. Finally, you should
expect your expense and make un expense plan. It will helps you not to waste your
Second. moving your body. You should walk in short distance if your time is
enough. Riding a bicycle is also good way of saving money. You should find the
informations of refund system. There are many cosmetic shops which has refund
system that if you bring that shop's bottle, you could receive small price. Also some
coffee shop is refund to you if you bring that shop's coffee cups. Moreover, you
could have discount when you brought you own tumbler. You can recycle or reform
by those bottles, cups or something that you are not using anymore. If you recycle or
reform something, you don't have to buy a new stuff or spend more money.
Third, looking around carefully. You should care fore waste electricity around you. You should turn off the appliances if you finished to use. Many people don't turn off the computers or lights things. When you turn off the appliances right after used them, you could save much more money. After you turn off the appliances, you'd better to unplug appliances. It's still spend few electricity even if you turned off. Therefore for complete to not to waste electricity, not only turn it off but also unplug it. However, most fundamental way to prevent wasting electricity is using energy efficiency rating appliance.
There are many different way to saving money, but we could save money by only writing, moving and looking. Though the word is much easier than action, you could save much money than now, if there is little care to around you.

Ways of Using Smart phones(Tyler,blog1)

Portfolio 9

Ways of Using Smart phones

Today’s modern society, machines are too complicated to use easily. Especially, smart phones are became very useful stuff for everyone. But at first, it’s little bit difficult to handle it. There are three ways for using Smartphone to someone didn’t use it before.
The first way is reading a manual carefully. In manual, there are several categories about using tools in phones. You can see power on, how to read documents, playing music and so on. Simply, if you read manual carefully, you don’t need extra help to use.
The second way is ask someone using Smartphone. If someone uses it already, he or she already experiences what you struggle. They might don’t know how to turn on. They are your smart phone use’s senior. They might help you based about their experience.
The third way is join the club about Smart phones. In that kind of clubs, there are many people want to share their information or experience. They have same problems like you. They either join the club because of same reason. You can find useful stories by talk about Smart Phones.
So, here is my information to you. If you follow these instructions, you soon can be expert of using Smart Phones. Please don’t forget you effort. If you have no will, these whole things are not useful. I hope you to live more convenient life.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Thinking and Writing

"I write entirely to find out what I'm thinking, what I'm looking at, what I see and what it means.  What I want and what I fear."
                                                      -Joan Didion

Writing is difficult and tedious and sometimes it's just plain hard to to it.  But it's necessary.  It's not necessary  so you can earn good marks, or satisfy the boss, or communicate effectively with other people in day to day life, (all of those things may be true with their own merits), but more importantly it is necessary to write to develop your thinking.  Of course their must be some degree of thinking before you write, some insight or discovery that urges you to write; however, it is not until you engage in the writing process that thoughts become formulated clearly and details once hazy find their focus.  It is in writing that imagination is awakened, and reason is sharpened.  Like a mathematician solving a riddle and like a sculptor chiseling a masterpiece, the writer creates beautiful language that not only expresses their mind but also engages the mind in a dance of discovery.  So write and dance and think.