Tuesday, November 27, 2012

My Daily Routine

23/10/12 Ian

My Daily Routine

I get up in the early morning. I wash my body and have a breakfast and I prepare to attend university. I put on my clothes and check my belongings. Then, I go to the university by bus or subway. I concentrate to class and have a good time with my classmates. When all classes are end, I heading for my home.  When I was arrived home, the sun goes down. I wash my body and change my clothes. If I don’t have dinner outside, I have dinner first and I do my homework like this. Finally, I study French because I prepare for DELF A2(Diploma of French study A2 level) at February. I’m eager to pass that exam. It’s my short-term plan. When I’m so exhausted, I go to the bed and sleep for next day. I think it’s very monotonous. I want to something surprisingly happened to me.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Physical Education Should be Mandatory in High School(Yoon)


Physical Education Should be Mandatory in High School

In these days many high school doesn’t carry out physical education (especially 3rd grade in high school). They insist indoor subject is more important for their entrance examination. However, physical education is necessary for student’s health.

Most of high school students are stay in class room more than 10hours. They sitting on their desk all day long and they bend their spin for studying. They looked their books for very long hours. They just stick on their desk. They don’t have any activity time. If they had little active action in their classroom, they will listen some discipline because they disrupt other friend’s study. Also they think physical activity is not important because they have lots of competitor who didn’t move from their desk. Their environment is not allow to physical action. Therefore, they need specific time to move their body and release their tight muscles.

There are many reasons for physical education should be mandatory in high school, but most important reason is for student’s health. To conclude, physical education should be mandatory in high school for student’s health.

Best Team Sport (Henny)




“Best Team Sport”


                  There are many team sports, baseball, basketball, soccer and handball. Among them, I think that ‘Soccer’ is the best team sport. There are several reasons that soccer is best team sport.

First, team is more important than individual’s ability in soccer. Even though each player has a good technic, if there is no teamwork among the players, the team cannot win. Teamwork makes a team a big one from 11 individual players. Each player has a position and they have to do their position assignments.

Second, soccer players’ teamwork makes a team to play consistently. Thanks to the teamwork, players are communicated well in pitch, finally they can play well. Playing consistently is very important because strong team has to win the league whenever they match with strong or weak team and playing consistently makes it possible. To do play consistently, team players conduct training together.

Third, pass is basis of playing soccer. When teamwork is prepared, players can do incisive pass and prevent missing the pass. If players do pass a ball slickly, it scored goals. For example, Primera Liga team, Barcelona FC is famous for their pass play. They are very famous and strong soccer team.

 Actually, when I saw the soccer game, players were keeping eye contact each other to pass a ball. Also, I did not see the soccer team that players are at swords points with each other. Most strong team members are getting along with each other. So I think that soccer is the best team sport.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Women in sports(Dean)

Women in sports

2012108038 Dean

     These days, Women do not sports. I think that women should sports because of some reasons.
      First, Women should develop their strength by doing exercise. Because they need to protect themselves from criminal. Although they can't become stronger than men, regular exercise is better than non-exercise.
      Second, Women want to lose weight because of better appearance or health. Exercise is the best way to lose weight.
      Third, Exercise is help to prevent disease. When women get sick, it doesn't cured fast therefore women should prevent by doing exercise.
      As mentioned earlier, There are many advantage to exercise. If you're a women, Do regular exercise.

Women in sports (Unbin)


Women in sports

     Women should play sports for them. One reason is that women develop their strength. Recently sex crime is increasing. So, women must defend their self. Another reason is women should play sports is that women want to lose weight. Most women want to diet. One of healthy diet way is exercise. So women who want to lose weight should sports. Still another reason, women should play sports is that women prevent a diseases. In short, doing sports have many
advantage. So women should play sports. 

Soccer is best team sport(Tyler)

Portfolio 15

Best Teamwork Sport: Soccer


    There are many team sports around the world. I think the top team sport is soccer. People watch soccer game and they are widely excited about it.

    First reason is soccer is team sport. If just only one player has good skill, it is not useful. Soccer has two parts: attack and defense. And elven players play the game. If one player runs too fast, there is no one who get pass.

    Second reason is team works is needed to play game with proper pace. If one player played too much, he will be exhausted. Team play makes players to play longer because players support each other. For example, if one player tries to do everything alone, his body can’t bear it. If several players attack together, each burden will decreased.

    Third reason is beauty of pass. Pass is skill that only possible when each player is ready. If they aren’t ready, how it can possible. As it says, pass needs team work. And pass is the key to win the game. There are several cases of wining because of pass. That was really awesome.

    Because all these reasons, soccer is best team sports.

Jump Roping is Effective Way to Lose Our Weight(Peter)


Jump Roping is Effective Way to Lose Our Weight

     Nowadays, many people do exercise for their health and there are many method to 

lose their weight. I strongly recommend jump roping if you lose your weight in short time

and effectively. Jump roping has many advantages.

     First, Jump roping is very easy to do. Most of people who easily give up their diet they

usually explain themselves like "I don't have enough time to go to the health club or it is

 so difficult to exercise.  but jump roping can terminate their justifying. Jump roping can

easily to do anywhere and anytime. Jump roping doesn't care to play.

     Second, Jump roping can use our whole body. Many people usually go to the health 

club to lose their weight. In health club, they should use most of machines to lose weight.

But jump roping can use our whole body on each jumping so we can exercise our body

 very easily.

     Third, Jump roping is not expensive to do! Nowadays many people try to exercise but 

there are less method we can do it because we suffer from shortage of time and 

expensive cost to do exercise. Jump roping can solve this problem. It need only jump 

rope and nothing anymore. We can easily buy jump rope and it's method also easy to 


     There are many effective way to lose our weight. but some kind of ways can need

expensive cost but jump roping can be a solution that if we don't have enough money 

and also it is effective to improve our body and lose our weight. So I strongly recommend 

jump roping.

Best Exercise for Losing Weight (Hannah)

Jumping Rope Is the Best Type of Exercise for Losing Weight
     Many people exercise regularly. They have various goals, so they exercise very hard. Among lots of exercising ways, jumping rope is the best effective exercise for losing weight. Jumping rope is simple to try. You can see people easily who exercise with jump rope. It is not necessary to use wide space. You can exercise everywhere you wants. Like these advantages, jumping rope has three reasons to make enormous effect of losing weight.
     First, jumping rope makes cardio pulmonary function strong. It is effective to supply biood to blood vessel. The circulation of the blood is so vital because blood circulation supplies nutrient to each organ. Without the blood circulation, it is no use to losing weight. For losing weight, basic health like cardio pulmonary function is very important. It is reason that jumping rope is appropriate exercise.
     Second, jumping rope is proper to increase the exercise capacity. If you exercise jumping rope steadily, it will makes you can do every exercise easily. It is helpful to losing weight because of your improved physical condition. Furthermore, jumping rope is aerobic exercise, so it is good to relax your body.
     Third, jumping rope stimulates many muscles. When you are skipping rope, you use every muscles in all your body. Using muscles both upper and lower body is helpful to lose weight. It makes basal metabolic rate increase. It means energy consumption is getting increase. Increasing of energy consumption is contribute to losing weight.
     Above these reasons, there are more reasons why jumping rope is useful to lose weight. Jumping rope is known for effective exercise to burn visceral fat. That is why people exercise jumping rope to lose their abdominal weight. For these lots of advantages and reasons, jumping rope is the best effective exercise for losing weight.

Best Team Work Sport

2012108026 Ian

Best Team Work Sport

Many sports is demand to team work because a lot of sports are team sports. I think that soccer is best team sports among them.
First reason is that soccer team think highly of team not a individual. Soccer team can’t get a victory as a individual. Each one take their own role. 11 players have to play as a saw-toothed wheel and then only be a powerful team.
Second reason is team work can make consistent play. Soccer game and player have many variable but team work can make up for their variable.
Third reason is team work can make accurate pass. Pass is foundation of soccer game because soccer is team sports so they must pass the ball for making chance. It’s related in skill but team work is needed too.

Because of those reason, I think that soccer is best team work sport.

Physical Education Should Be Mandatory in Schools

Physical Education Should Be Mandatory in Schools
    There are many opinions about Physical Education in school in these days. But
P.E is most important for students. There are three reasons why they have to
learn P.E.

    The first reason is that they can improve their health through P.E. As
scientific technique grows, most people are getting convenient instead of their
health. We need to do more exercise than we think. Through P.E, many students
can do exercise and it is very important because nothing is more important than
one's health.

    The second reason is that they can learn teamwork through P.E. They don't
have any chance to do teamwork because they have to study all day in Korea.
They can avoid individual thinking through P.E.

    The third reason is that they can make friends easily. School is not only
studying place anymore. They can learn through relationship. Doing exercise with
their friends can make them friendly.

    These three things are reason why P.E should be manatory in School. Most
students can learn many thing through P.E, no text book. 

Quoting and Paraphrasing (Ian)

Quoting : 14
Paraphrasing : 6

Women in sports(Jisoo)

2012108035 Jisoo

Women in sports

     Our group's topic is women in sports.  I think regular exercise is necessary for human.  So women need exercise too.  Let me tell about three reason why women have to exercise.

     The first reason is that women have to develop strength.  Women are weaker than men.  They were born with a weak strength. So they have to exercise to build strength.

     The second reason is that women want to lose weight.  Almost women are go on a diet 365days in a year.  They choose skipping meal method.  Because they think skipping dinner is the fastest way to lose weight.  But skipping meal is very bad for health.   So instead skipping meal, women have to exercise to lose weight.

     The third reason is that sports is help to prevent disease.  Exercise has the good effect in preventing disease.  Sports is also known to help counter disease like arthritis and asthma. 

     This three reason shows why women should take exercise.  If you agree my opinion,  Don't be idle and take exercise know.  I want every women take regular exercise.

Quoting and Paraphrasing(Tyler)


Women Should Play Sports(ELLA)

Women Should Play Sports

       These days, most people do not play sports. Therefore most people become plump or 

overweight. Specially Women is different from men;men are well muscled. However women are 

not. Women are less muscle and more fat. Thus women are easy to get disease. If be over forty 

years old women, even more. And more I think women always want to look beautiful and thin. 

Therefore women should play sports what they want to be. There are three reason for women 

should play sports.

        First,women are develop their strength. The reason is that strength is continued muscle. 

Women are low muscle born natural. Low muscle summon to get overweight. And if be over 

forty years old women or after childbirth women, they are more easy to get overweight. 

        Second, almost women's think is "I am fat." . The reason is women want to lose weight. I 

think the reason is women on TV, movie or magazine. They are thin and beautiful. Almost 

women think that they want to be or look like them at once. Thus they set up a standard which 

are thin and beautiful women. Women always want to be beautiful and thin. 

        Third, Women are more easy to get disease better than men. The reason is women are 

less immunity to disease. Women have menstruation every month. At that time women are 

more exposed by disease. Therefore to less the disease, women should be exercise to protect 

their body. 

        To play sports or do exercise is not easy at once. I think, however women should do 

exercise at least once a week. If this is hard to do, just walk to go to your home. This simple 

thing made you healthy and beautiful. 

Woman in Sports (Una)

Woman in Sports


     I think that woman should play sports. It has many various reasons. 

The first reason to increase strength. Usually woman is lack of physical ability. So woman should improve physical strength through regular exercise. 

The second reason to lose weigh. So it makes them good shape. It is very sensitive part. In fact, most woman think that they are overweight. They are eager to lose their weight. It is natural that woman adorns herself. 

The third reason to get healthy. It is very important. Lately people are getting interested in health. Patient exercise is most effective to get to be healthy. I think woman should care their body as well as man. 

As you see exercise is important. Regardless of sex, woman should play sports.

Women Should Do Exercise (Sally)




Women Should Do Exercise


                  These days, most women don’t like doing exercise. However exercise is very important. Exercise
help muscle’s growth, our health and diet. I think that women should do exercise because of three different

                  First, women should develop strength. These days, most work increase sedentary work. It makes

our body to decrease strength. However, if we do exercise, our strength will increase. Moreover, most

women have to study or work. I think that if we have high strength, we will more concentrate.

                  Second, women want to lose weight. Most women think that I will wear bikini or mini skirt in

summer. However, they don’t like exercise so they don’t eat dinner. Though, I think that they will gain weight

again if they eat but exercise is different. If they do exercise, their body will have muscle. It helps that they

don’t gain weight. Also, their body line is more beautiful.

                  Finally, women should prevent disease. Many germ are permeating in our body through the air.

However, if we do exercise, we will develop immunity. It prevents germ’s permeation. Therefore

we don’t fall illness. Moreover our body is healther.

                   Exercise is not easy in everyday. However it is good way to exercise in daily life. For example, If I
take a bus to subway station, I will walk to there. Walking is one of the most important exercise. Let’s start
exercise for our health.

Jumping Rope is the Best Type of Losing Weight (Sophie)


Jumping Rope is the Best Type of Losing Weight

               These days most people want to exercise for losing weight. However they are

busy and tired from their urgent daily life. They don't want to go a health club, because it

is inconvenient and tiresome. I think jumping rope is the best type of exercise for losing

weight. Jumping rope is convenient, the exercise of the whole body and economical.

               First, jumping rope is the best type of exercise for losing weight, because it is

convenient. Modern people have no much time to exercise. They are so exhausted from

the day's labors that they go straight to bed. Students are also exhausted from their

study. They are tired so go to bed rather than exercise. Jumping rope is convenient so

they can try to lose weight after their daily works. They can do it anywhere and in

any weather.

               Second, jumping rope is the best type of exercise for losing weight, because it

is exercise of the whole body. It is total-body work out with similar benefits include

jogging, skiing and cycling. It is good from of exercise for losing weight, because it uses

every parts of the body. So is makes well-balanced body losing weight. If we jump rope

for 4~5 times a week, we can lose weight. Jumping rope is a great all round fitness.

               Third, jumping rope is the best type of exercise for losing weight, because it is

cheap. People want to lose weight, but don't want to pay for losing weight. They don't

want to pay for a gym, because they skip to go to the gym when they are busy. Also it is

bothersome to go to the gym when the weather is bad. People want to lose weight

efficiently and economical. They pursue losing weight without having to pay for that.

              There are many good types of exercises for losing weight to us. However,

people pursue convenient, effective and no money exercise. Therefore in my view

jumping rope is the best type of exercise for losing weight. Jumping rope is universal

exercise to lose weight. It is easy to do without instruction.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Promotion of Health from Physical Education (Sook)


Promotion of Health from Physical Education
-Should Physical Education Be Mandatory in Schools?

                  Physical education must be remained in schools. Recently it has been a hot issue for a long time. Needless to say, in the old days, it had to be conducted in schools. However, as study goes more and more important for students in society, this controversy rose to the surface. Some people said it should be conducted in school and many others do not agree with this. In my opinion, it should be educated in school. First, in Korea, many students study for a very long time nearly the same position. If there is no physical education, there is no chance for students to move actively in their life. Although it is a short time to exercise, it can help students stretch their whole body. It can also prevent the disease like ‘Spine Repletion’ which has been notorious among students these days and can be occurred in a person who sits for a long time. Second, the regular exercise is effective for keeping basal physical fitness. It is an important part of healthy lifestyles. Students have not enough time for their exercise out of school. So the physical education time in school must nearly the only chance to them to move their body. When they should not do just this their strength will declines in succession. It can be more possible to getting flu and getting sick frequently. Then students cannot live healthy life. Last, physical education also can help developing many muscles. However, in every school it may all different what sports they learn. Like some schools may teach tennis and golf, and the others may teach aerobic and basketball. Whatever students learn, it is certain they learn many sports that can help developing several muscles. Then we can be more strong and healthier. People cannot live without exercise. They have to do exercise at least two times in a week. If they do not act even this, they will not health and active in their life. For these reasons, physical education in schools should be done. It will necessary for students.