Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Mission Statement (Hannah)

   Mission Statement

         My mission is to keep good relationship with people. In keeping good relationship with

people,trust is the most value of relation. To achieve my value, I have to believe people in trust. Good

 relationship with people through the trust is basement of living nice life. Trust is the way of

achieving my mission. Keeping good relationship is hard to achieve, but it has enormous value.

Mission Statement(Peter)

Final Draft

Mission Statement

                  My mission is to be the interpreter and go to abroad and learn other countries culture and behavior. I will study English and Japanese I think these two languages will be important to the world. Being interpreter can help my dream and achieve more than I think also interpreter can influence to other countries and gain profit to our country. I think when I acheive my mission I can earn many thing than What I thought.

Final Draft

Mission Statement



My mission is to develop and manage new a game and communicate with customers. In this job, Creativity, programming skill and experience are most important things. These things are also important to me because I want to be a great developer. By developing them, I can make better game. Communication with customers also will decrease dissatisfaction and give us feedback about games flaw. My mission will gives a great satisfaction for me and customers.

Mission Statement (Unbin)

Mission Statement
     My mission is learn foreign language especially Chinese because I will get a career related Chinese. While I attending the four-year institution, I must develop my Chinese skill and English skill. I will try to apply it into real life and get Chinese character certificate before I graduate university. 

Monday, December 3, 2012

Mission Statement (Sally)

Mission Statement
My mission is to make much money by entering the trading company so that I will make a trip around the world. I should study English and Chinese to enter the trading company. Many Chinese live in the world. I want to communicate with foreign fluently.

Mission Statement (Yoon)

Final Draft

Mission Statement

          My mission statement is to be satisfied with my life by living a worthy life for myself. Being satisfied with my life means not only being joyful and happy but also living a successful and beneficial life for me. I will pursue certain characteristics, such as independent, responsibility, diligence and honesty to realize my successful life because I believe that success is not about the materials. Moreover, characteristics include action, behavior and work. Therefore for my satisfied life, I will keep try to find the things that I really want and to practice characteristics.

Mission Statement (Jisoo)

2012108035 Jisoo
Mission Statement

     My purpose in my life is doing what I really like. So I want to help dogs for all 

my life because dogs are very special being to me. Especially I want to help 

abandoned dogs. The number of abandoned dogs are increasing so I will have 

volunteer and support for abandoned dogs. For example I will clean the dog 

shelter and donate money to animal protection agency. In doing this, I fell good 

myself. I will help dogs through animal protection group with other animal lovers. I 

do my best to make a world that the right of animals be respected. It is my mission 

in my life.